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query_single_async can execute a query and serialize the first result. It throws an exception if there is not exactly one record in the result set.


name type description optional default
sql str the sql query str to execute 👎
param ParamType params to substitute in the query 👍 None
model Any the callable to serialize the model; callable must be able to accept column names as kwargs. 👍 dict

First, Single and Default🔗

Be careful to use the right method. first and single methods are very different.

method no item one item many items
first NoResultException item first item
single NoResultException item MoreThanOneResultException
first_or_default default item first item
single_or_default default item MoreThanOneResultException


Execute a query and map the first result to a dataclass.

import asyncio
import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydapper import connect_async

class Task:
    id: int
    description: str
    owner_id: int

async def main():
    async with connect_async() as commands:
        task = await commands.query_single_async("select * from task where id = 1", model=Task)

    # Task(id=1, description='Set up a test database',, 12, 31), owner_id=1)
(This script is complete, it should run "as is")